McCallum Bagpipes is the world's favourite Great Highland Bagpipe maker. They manufacture pipe chanters, practice chanters, reeds and Scottish smallpipes, as well as supply all Andante, Pearl & Premier pipe band drums and quality Scottish highlandwear from a 10,000 sq ft factory showroom in Kilmarnock. Started initially by well-known pipers Stuart McCallum and Kenny MacLeod, McCallum Bagpipes now also boasts the expertise of champion piper Willie McCallum, as well as Fred Morrison, and a large staff of skilled people who specialize in the production of quality products.
McCallum Bagpipes are known throughout the world for their products AND their service, and Reelpipes.com is proud to be able to offer these products to customers. Offerings include Highland bagpipes, Willie McCallum's MC2 solo chanters, Gandy and Ceòl chanters, full sets of McCallum band chanters, practice chanters, MG Reeds and many other excellent products. Contact us directly to inquire about products and prices. If you would like to see the full range of McCallum products, have a look at their excellent online catalog.